Descartes-Huygens Prize for medical researcher : Julien Barc
  • Le 05 February 2020
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French cardiovascular researcher Julien Barc has won the 2019 Descartes-Huygens Prize for his research and contribution to Franco-Dutch collaboration.

Paris, 5 February 2020 - Dr Julien BARC, an Inserm researcher received the Descartes-Huygens Prize for the excellence of his scientific collaborations with the Netherlands. For l'institut du thorax, this prize is particularly significant, as it is part of the history of our research projects on sudden cardiac death in adults and its genetic origins.

Julien Barc, a rising star in his field, is an INSERM Associate Researcher at l’institut du thorax in Team I - Cardiovascular Genetics.
He studies molecular mechanisms in cardiovascular diseases.

Researchers at Barc’s institute in Nantes and Amsterdam University Medical Centre have been joining forces for the past twenty years to study rare cardiac diseases associated with a high risk of sudden death and new therapies for heart conditions.The two groups possess complementary expertise allowing translational research from bedside to bench and back to bedside.

The Descartes-Huygens Prize allows Julien Barc to work in the Netherlands with the Amsterdam research group for longer periods of time. He will also supervise two PhD students charged with liaising between the French and Dutch research teams.

Read Press release (in french)

Télénantes - Santé / Notre ADN pour prévenir les risques cardiaques - Julien BARC

Mis à jour le 20 October 2020.