Andre ROSA, Max-Delbrück-Centrum, Berlin, Germany
  • Le 20 septembre 2019
    Institut de Recherche en Santé - 8 quai Moncousu - Nantes
    Amphithéâtre Denis Escande
    false false
  • 11h30

The role of Was in the control of vessel morphology

The role of Was in the control of vessel morphology

Andre ROSA, PhD, invited by Anne-Clémence Vion (Eq III)

Berlin, Germany


As soon as the first blood stream perfuses the initial capillary network that pervade the developing embryo ECs respond and begin a collective cell movement that drives the remodelling of this initial network into a new hierarchical and efficient topology of small and large blood vessels. However, how this collective cell movement in response to blood flow translates in a higher blood vessel organization remains elusive.
In our studies we show a new extensive quantitative analysis of cellular behaviours involved in the process of vessel remodelling like migration velocity, directionality, division and address the importance and weight in the overall process of vessel remodelling. Additionally, we make use of this quantitative analysis to describe the role of a new key player, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome gene (Was), and show new evidence for the need of Was for the control of cell directionality. In the absence of Was migration is impaired and consequently blood vessel remodelling results in an abnormal morphology of veins and arteries.
These results provide a comprehensive quantification of several cellular behaviours fundamental for the design of cellular models that describe the intricate steps of vessel remodelling, as well as a new effector that chiefly coordinates cell migration.


Andre ROSA is natural from Lisbon, Portugal. He performs his studies at the Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia (New University of Lisbon) and graduate with a degree in Chemistry.
He achieved his masters in the laboratory of Early fly development in the Institute Gulbenkian of Ciencia and entered the GABBA program in 2009 and performed his PhD at the Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology, University College London (UCL).
From 2015 until present, he has been performing his Post Doc at the Max Delbruck Centrum for Molecular Medicine in the laboratory of Dr. Holger Gerhardt.

Mis à jour le 08 août 2019.