Mini-symposium "Thérapie cellulaire"
Le 08 November 2019Institut de Recherche en Santé - 8 quai Moncousu - Nantes
Amphithéâtre Denis Escandefalse false -
10h30 - 12h
Mini-symposium "Thérapie cellulaire"
- The evolution of the stem cell theory for cardiovascular diseases
Jean-Sébastien SILVESTRE, PhD
Inserm UMRS 970, Paris Cardiovascular Research Center (PARCC), Paris, France
see abstract and biography below
- Les progéniteurs endothéliaux et thérapie cellulaire des vasculopathies ischémiques
Florence SABATIER, PharmD, PhD
AMU, AP-HM, Marseille, France
Jean-Sébastien Silvestre
Dr Jean-Sébastien Silvestre is a senior research director at the French National Health and Medical Research Institute (INSERM). In 1999, he started his independent research career as an associate professor (Paris 7 university) at the Cardiovascular Research Center Inserm Lariboisière (Lariboisière Hospital, INSERM U689). In 2008, he was appointed research director at INSERM. In 2009, he moved to the Paris Cardiovascular Research Center – INSERM UMRS 970 (Georges Pompidou European Hospital) where he is leading a team working on the identification of molecular and cellular mechanisms regulating key events in post-ischemic tissue remodeling with potent therapeutic promise. Current studies include: 1) role of innate and adaptive immunity, 2) development of cell and cell-free approaches in cardiac ischemic diseases. Keywords: Cardiovascular diseases, Regenerative medicine, Inflammation, Stem cells.