Philippe Lassalle - Institut Pasteur, Lille
Le 07 April 2023Amphi DEfalse false
History of the endocan: from incidental finding to clinical applications
History of the endocan: from incidental finding to clinical applications
Philippe Lassalle, MD, PhD, CR INSERM
Institut Pasteur, Lille
Endocan is a circulating pulmonary endothelial proteoglycan that has leukocyte anti-diapedesis activity. This biological activity promotes the development of solid tumors through an indirect mechanism: escape to anti-tumor immunity. This same activity contributes to the control of the experimental pulmonary inflammatory reaction
Clinically, blood variations of the endocan are very frequently associated with the occurrence of a respiratory event. This provides the clinician a 1-3 day window to prevent respiratory syndrome. The medical benefit that the patient can derive from the endocan should soon be evaluated.
Endocan est un protéoglycane circulant d’origine endothéliale pulmonaire a activité anti-diapédèse leucocytaire. Cette activité biologique favorise le développement des tumeurs solides par un mécanisme indirect : l’échappement à l’immunité anti-tumorale. Cette même activité participe à la maitrise de la réaction inflammatoire pulmonaire experimentale
Sur le plan clinique, les variations sanguines de l’endocan sont très fréquemment associées à la survenue d’un évènement respiratoire. Cela offre au clinicien une fenêtre d’intervention de 1à 3 jours pour prévenir le syndrome respiratoire. Le bénéfice médical que le patient peut tirer de l’endocan devrait bientôt être évalué.
Philippe Lassalle leads the endocan group within the Pulmonary Immunity team where endocan was discovered, and both human and animal endocan were structurally and functionally characterized. Philippe Lassalle has a strong background in the structure-function relationships of human and mouse endocan in the context of inflammatory reaction to solid tumors and LPS challenge. More recently, an endocan-deficient mouse has been developed, which enables a better exploration of the endocan functions in vivo by overcoming competitive interactions with endogenous endocan.