Sandrine Morel - University of Genève, Suisse
  • Le 07 March 2023
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  • 14h30

The AneuX biobank to decipher the intracranial aneurysm natural history

The AneuX biobank to decipher the intracranial aneurysm natural history

Sandrine Morel, PhD

Collaboratrice Scientifique
Université de Genève, Département de Pathologie et Immunologie & Département des Neurosciences Cliniques


Intracranial aneurysm, a local outpouching of cerebral arteries, is present in 3 to 5% of the population. Once formed, an intracranial aneurysm can remain stable, grow or rupture. Rupture of an intracranial aneurysm leads to subarachnoid hemorrhage and affects mostly young people with heavy consequences in terms of death, disabilities and socioeconomic burden. The objective of our work is to better understand the pathophysiology of intracranial aneurysms in order to determine which aneurysms are at risk of rupture and which are not. To this aim, we compare clinical data of patients recruited within the Geneva University Hospitals (cohort @neurIST) and in several international hospitals (cohort ISGC), and we analyze on intracranial aneurysms histological sections the presence of markers characteristics of intracranial aneurysm wall integrity and stability (AneuX biobank). We also investigate the evolution of this pathology using rat models. By working with different institutions, we combine multidisciplinary approaches to determine the causes and evolutions of intracranial aneurysms in order to improve their management.


Since 2015, Sandrine Morel is involved in national and international projects on intracranial aneurysms. As research scientist, she works on fundamental, translational and clinical research projects. She teaches at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva and supervises master and doctoral students. Sandrine Morel has obtained several distinctions and research funds, and has numerous publications (

Mis à jour le 02 June 2023.