Séminaire de Kyle Mincham & Anya Jones - Perth, Australie

  • Le 23 juin 2017
    Rendez-vous à 11h30 à l'Amphi Denis Escande (IRS-UN).
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Reduced susceptibility to allergic airways disease in BALB/c offspring following maternal therapeutic immunomodulator (OM85) treatment during gestation & Asthma as a Systemic Disease - Activation of inflammatory cells during asthma exacerbations is initiated prior to their migration to the lung.

Le séminaire sera présenté par Kyle Mincham & Anya Jones (Experimental Immunology Group and Human Immunology Group Telethon Kids Institute, Perth) 

Titre de leurs interventions :
  • Reduced susceptibility to allergic airways disease in BALB/c offspring following maternal therapeutic immunomodulator (OM85) treatment during gestation.
  • Asthma as a Systemic Disease - Activation of inflammatory cells during asthma exacerbations is initiated prior to their migration to the lung.

Ils sont invités par Grégory Bouchaud, équipe III: Signalisation en physiopathologie vasculaire et pulmonaire

Abstract Mincham

Abstract Jones

Mis à jour le 18 juillet 2017.