Séminaire de Pierre-Louis THARAUX - PARCC, Paris

  • Le 22 juin 2018
    Institut de Recherche en Santé - 8 quai Moncousu - Nantes
    Amphithéâtre Denis Escande
    false false
  • 11h30

Disease Tolerance as a Defence Strategy against Renal Microvascular Disease

Disease Tolerance as a Defence Strategy against Renal Microvascular Disease

Pierre-Louis THARAUX, MD, PhD, invité par Vincent Sauzeau (Eq III)

DR1 Inserm, Directeur de l'équipe 8 PARis Cardiovascular Centre - PARCC, Inserm & Université Paris Descartes, Paris


Human autoimmune vasculitides are rare but very severe inflammatory vascular disease that often lead to rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN) with extensive damage of the glomerular capillary wall leading to massive leakage of plasma proteins and then, loss of filtration (renal failure). Despite intensive immunosuppressive regiments, prevention or reversion of renal microvascular injury and dysfunction is poorly achieved, with the majority of patients left with chronic kidney disease and associated high morbidity due to drug-favored infections and CKD-associated cardiovascular diseases. We will discuss proof of principle studies suggesting that manipulation of local pathways specific to the response of the tissue to diseases should represent a complementary therapeutic approach to prevent injury.  Promotion of tolerance of the kidney to inflammation is a paradigm that is likely to be transferable to a number of diseases.

Mis à jour le 31 décembre 2018.