Anne-Clémence Vion : O'Tablo #10
  • Du 02 December 2019 au 31 January 2020
    IRS-UN, Hall
    8 quai Moncousu
    false false

Picture and colors of "how mechanical forces contribute to intracranial aneurysm formation and questions about the potential role of the Rho protein in this effect"

Once or twice a year, a handful of researchers take over the large blackboard in the hall of the our research building (IRS-UN) to present an innovative research project or an important scientific fact using drawings and diagrams of their own making.

This presentation in the form of drawings and diagrams is a voluntary scientific popularisation initiative carried out alone or in a group.

O Tablo#10, designed by Anne-Clémence Vion (unité de recherche de l'institut du thorax, Team III - Signaling in vascular and pulmonary pathophysiology, Pathophysiology of intracranial aneurysm, headed by Dr Loirand) and drawn with Surya Batta, Milène Freneau, Celine Menguy and Clara-Lynn Schubert, this scientific creation tells with pictures and colors how mechanical forces contribute to intracranial aneurysm formation and questions about the potential role of the Rho protein in this effect.


Mis à jour le 20 October 2020.