Anne-Clémence Vion received at The EMBO Workshop the Best poster prizes at ‘Building networks 2024: engineering in vascular biology’
  • Le 08 May 2024
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Anne-Clémence Vion received at The EMBO Workshop the Best poster prizes at ‘Building networks 2024: engineering in vascular biology’

The EMBO Workshop ‘Building networks 2024: engineering in vascular biology‘ took place in may 2024 at EMBL Barcelona, bringing together vascular biologists and bioengineers from across the world to build research synergies to tackle long standing questions in the field of vascular biology.
Two poster sessions were held during which the presenters could discuss their research — their work was then voted for by the attendees and speakers. There were five poster prizes awarded during the meeting along with an additional prize for the best short talk.
Anne-Clémence VION, researcher in team III received on of them for her work on "ARHGEF18 is a flow-responding exchange factor controlling endothelial tight junctions and vascular leakage".

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Mis à jour le 30 May 2024.‘building-networks-2024-engineering-in-vascular-biology