Jean-Sébastien ROUGIER, IBMM, Bern, Switzerland
  • Le 31 octobre 2019
    Institut de Recherche en Santé - 8 quai Moncousu - Nantes
    Amphithéâtre Denis Escande
    false false
  • 10h30

Cardiomyocytes and Macro-molecular Complexes

Cardiomyocytes and Macro-molecular Complexes

Jean-Sébastien ROUGIER, PD Dr., invited by Céline Marionneau (Eq IIa)

Senior Teaching and Research assitant
University of Bern
Bern, Switzerland


Rod-shape adult cardiomyocytes constitute the myocardium and can be divided in two principal regions. Firstly, the intercalated disc (ID) allows the electrical and physical coupling between adjacent cardiac cells via ID-ID connections. Secondly, the lateral membrane, including T-tubules, contains focal adhesions important for the interaction between cardiomyocytes and extracellular matrix. Over the past 20 years, a new field of research, called channelopathies, investigating diseases caused by ion channel dysfunction has emerged. Cardiac ion channels play an essential role in the generation of the cardiac action potential leading to the cell contraction. Investigators have largely determined the physiological roles of different cardiac ion channels, but little is known about the molecular determinants of their regulation. An important understanding has been performed these last decades concerning the localization-regulation of cardiac ion channel such as the voltage-gated calcium and sodium channels. Fifteen years ago, based on their localizations within the cardiomyocyte and their interactions with specific proteins, the notion of pool of voltage-gated ions channel has been proposed. Recently scanning ion conductance microscopy experiments reveals a new level of complexity in term of ion channels organization. From these studies the notion of micro-domains containing ion channels and interacting proteins, called macro-molecular complex, has emerged. The objective of this lecture is to summarize the currently known information on the macro-molecular complexes in the cardiac cell and discuss their implication in cardiac function and disorder.


After a PhD focusing on: “Regulation of cardiac voltage-gated sodium channel Nav1.5” aquired in the group of Prof. Hugues Abriel, Jean-Sébastien ROUGIER went for two years to University College of London (UCL) to investigate the regulation of the cardiac voltage-gated calcium channel Cav1.2 in the group of Dr. Patricia Viard and Prof. Annette Dolphin. Contacted by his former PhD supervisor in Switzerland, firstly as post-doctorant and now as senior scientist, he is investigating the regulation of cardiac ion channels with a strong focus on Nav1.5 and Cav1.2.

Mis à jour le 08 août 2019.