Romain Capoulade received the Alain Castaigne research grant
Le 15 janvier 2021false false
Study of the Molecular Mechanisms Involved in the Development and Progression of Mitral Valve Prolapse
The Alain Castaigne research grant is awarded annually for innovative clinical, fundamental or translational research in the cardiovascular, cardio-renal and cardio-metabolic fields, and concerning the understanding of physiopathological mechanisms as well as diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.
Romain Capoulade, researcher in team I, received the Alain Castaigne research grant from the French Society of Cardiology (SFC) with the sponsorship of Astra Zeneca France for an amount of €30,000. He was rewarded for his work on the "Study of Molecular Mechanisms involved in the Development and Progression of Mitral Valve Prolapse". This work was presented during the 31st European Days of the SFC.
This support will allow him to pursue the study on the role of inflammation and immune response in the process leading to MVP, with a specific attention to the additive impact of stress-related mechanisms. Read more
Romain Capoulade, researcher in team I, received the Alain Castaigne research grant from the French Society of Cardiology (SFC) with the sponsorship of Astra Zeneca France for an amount of €30,000. He was rewarded for his work on the "Study of Molecular Mechanisms involved in the Development and Progression of Mitral Valve Prolapse". This work was presented during the 31st European Days of the SFC.
This support will allow him to pursue the study on the role of inflammation and immune response in the process leading to MVP, with a specific attention to the additive impact of stress-related mechanisms. Read more
Mis à jour le 05 mars 2021.