Sodium channels and sensory perception
Seminars 2019
Facio Scapulo Humeral Dystrophy, a complex locus with intriguing epigenetic regulations
Mini-symposium "Thérapie cellulaire"
Cardiomyocytes and Macro-molecular Complexes
Diag’nCell : Applying today the precision medecine of tomorrow
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Ion channel modulation by calmodulin: a view of the starting and ending points
Les conduites à tenir en cas d'incendie.
Dissecting the role of cell cycle regulators in obesity and diabetes
The role of Was in the control of vessel morphology
Projet AIC
Collection d’échantillons biologiques : quels intérêts pour quels droits ?
Genetic architecture of metabolic traits in Greenlandic Inuit
Injectable Cryogels for Biomedical Applications
Cardiac lineage specification in development and disease
Don’t get too excited! Genetic and functional dissection of neuromuscular potassium channels in C. elegans
Influence de la génétique mitochondriale dans les maladies rares et communes
Aortic Valve Stenosis and Mitral Valve Regurgitation: from mechanistic insights to biomarker discovery.
Role of ribosome heterogeneity in tumorigenesis: the rRNA epigenetic hypothesis
Endothelium breaching by toxins inducing cellular dewetting phenomenon
NMDA receptor physiopathology in neurological conditions: from bench to bedside